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ACTIVITY 6: Saying “No”

ACTIVITY 6: Saying “No”

How Friends Fit In (Interpersonal Skills)

In this section, students explore their relationships with others. The activities focus on peer relationships and how peer pressure, influence, and acceptance affect their lives. There are also activities on refusal skills to help equip students with strategies for saying "no".


SKILLS: Refusal Skills

Suggested Time Consideration

Suggested Time Consideration: 20 mins


In this activity, students will examine two illustrations demonstrating peer pressure and peer influence to use tobacco or nicotine. They will answer questions about what a character might be thinking and ultimately will do in each situation.


Share the digital activity link below with your students. They can complete this activity independently or in groups.


Once everyone has finished, meet as a class to discuss the pictures and students’ answers. Point out the good feelings that might be had by the student who refused the temptation/pressure to participate and just walked away instead. Reinforce the feeling of inner strength and self-control this student would have for refusing. Ask students to think about how they would handle themselves in each case.


Ask students to share the advice they would give to the boy about not smoking or vaping. Write these answers on chart paper so that you can keep it on display as a reminder to your students about why they should stay tobacco and nicotine free.

In addition to trying to determine what characters might think and do, students will be asked to determine which illustration is an example of peer pressure (#1) and which peer influence (#2). Encourage students to talk about the differences between the two illustrations so they are able to ascertain that some pressures are self-generated. They would also do well to explore why they feel these pressures.