I like the ready-made lessons for the smartboard. Easy to incorporate technology into the lessons
Renee, in Maryland -
The materials that are included with the program make the program ready to use.
Jennifer, in North Carolina -
Yes, for the 7th graders, the material was spot on with their understanding and comprehension levels. (asked if materials were grade-level appropriate)
Jim, in Missouri -
I appreciate most the brain research to share with students about why they are prone to poor decisions as teens.
Carey, in Colorado -
Yes, students had little difficulty with the tasks. (asked if materials were grade-level appropriate)
Patricia, in California -
Yes, this is the time when they (students) have the most peer pressure. (asked if materials were grade-level appropriate)
Amanda, in Mississippi -
Yes, because it shows them (students) the effects and the problems associated with tobacco. (asked if materials were grade-level appropriate)
Annallie, in Texas -
Easy to teach and learn.
Carlos, in Wisconsin -
I do feel that they (Right Decisions Right Now materials) are grade level appropriate.
The materials are at a reading level that the lower kids can understand but the more advanced readers do not get bored. I think it is the perfect balance.
Donald, in Maryland