GRADES 5 & 6
GRADES 5 & 6

To use this program most effectively with your 5th and 6th grade students, complete all the activities in the instructional units below in the order in which they are presented. The activities are divided into three categories:
Keeping Healthy
This section includes a survey to determine students' perceptions about tobacco and nicotine, their understanding of its effects and their experience with it. In addition, it includes activities to educate students about the health consequences of tobacco and nicotine use.
How Friends Fit In (Interpersonal Skills)
In this section, students explore their relationships with others. The activities focus on peer relationships and how peer pressure, influence, and acceptance affect their lives. There are also activities on refusal skills to help equip students with strategies for saying "no".
How I Am (Intrapersonal Skills)
This section has students look at how they act, feel, and think. Topics covered include self-esteem, social image, decision-making skills, and personal values (what is important to each student). The activities are designed to provide students with a chance to practice decision making and to empower them to make healthy choices.
Unit Quiz
Should be used after students complete the activities and lessons. It is designed to help assess their understanding of the content. Students will work in small groups to determine answers to True/False, Choices & Consequences, and Fill-in-the-Blanks questions.