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ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making

ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making

For the rest of the afternoon, you feel uncomfortable and worried about whether your family will smell the cigarette smoke when you get home.

Not happy with the consequences? Think through the decision-making steps to figure out if you made the right decision.

  1. Situations: Why do you need to make a decision?
  2. Goals: What do you need to happen?
  3. Choices: What are your options or the alternatives?
  4. Consequences: What could happen?
  5. Decision: What will you do?
  6. Think About It: Did you make the right decision?

Now, go back to the beginning of the “choices and Consequences” exercise and try again. But remember, you can’t always do that in real life!

ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making

ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making

Your friend laughs and says, "Okay, I get it. No problem."

Feel good about the consequences? That's great! Now, think about it: Did you make the right decision? Type your thoughts below.

ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making

ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making

Your friend says, "Right, I get it. That's cool," and you feel relieved and proud of yourself for making a good decision.

Feel good about the consequences? That's great! Now, think about it: Did you make the right decision? Type your thoughts below.

ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making

ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making

For the rest of the afternoon, you feel uncomfortable and worried about your family finding out.
Not happy with the consequences? Think through the decision-making steps to figure out if you made the right decision.

  1. Situations: Why do you need to make a decision?
  2. Goals: What do you need to happen?
  3. Choices: What are your options or the alternatives?
  4. Consequences: What could happen?
  5. Decision: What will you do?
  6. Think About It: Did you make the right decision?

Now, go back to the beginning of the “choices and Consequences” exercise and try again. But remember, you can’t always do that in real life!

ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making

ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making


Use the decision-making steps to figure out what decision you would make in the following situation:

Your best friend invites you and some other classmates over to his or her house for the afternoon. While you're there, your friend tell you that he or she has started vaping. Your friend then offers you a puff. What do you do? Before you decide, think through the six decision-making steps. Then, choose one.

ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress

ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress


Here and on the next few pages are some steps that might help you cope with stress.

Take a look at the list you made on the previous page. Use this as a starting point to compile a list of things that cause you stress. Decide which ones you can avoid and how to avoid them. This reduces the amount of stress in your life.


ACTIVITY 7: Sending Signals

ACTIVITY 7: Sending Signals

So, how do you see yourself? What do you want others to see in you—or what kind of image do you want others to have of you? One way to think about it is to decide what’s important to you. How do your words and actions show what’s important to you? People often make decisions based on what’s important to them.

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

2) If I smoke, I am at risk for the following disease(s):