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ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making

ACTIVITY 8: Decision Making

Think about a decision you recently made. Use this table to examine your decision. You may want to begin by writing what the decision was, and then go back to look at the situation, goals, choices, and consequences. Keep in mind that not everyone will make the same decisions. What you want to do in every situation is make the right decision for you.

How I feel about the
decision I made

ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress

ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress

Drag and drop the sources of stress into the categories. Then, type your own "sources of stress" in the boxes below the appropriate categories if you can identify other stress sources.

        • Difficult schoolwork
        • Societal problems (crime, unemployment, war, etc)
        • Being respectful
        • Family crises (divorce, death, etc)
        • Dating
        • Pressure to do things I don’t want to do
        • School bullies
        • Relationships with siblings
        • Family responsibilities and chores
        • Being involved in too many activities
        • Arguments or disagreements with friends
        • My feelings about how I look
        • My feelings about how I look

        Now, take a moment to reflect on your response. Then, move on to next page.

        ACTIVITY 7: Sending Signals

        ACTIVITY 7: Sending Signals

        Many people would probably find the person on the phone to be inconsiderate. We may perceive the other person to be assertive and tactful. In both instances we learn not only something about each person’s character but also about his/her values—meaning what’s valuable, or important, to them. The person on the phone valued what he believed to be his right to talk on the phone wherever he wanted. The person who approached him values the quiet of the library.

        ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

        ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

        1) Using tobacco can cause me to have bad breath (halitosis), stained teeth, and_________.

        ACTIVITY 9: My Perception!

        ACTIVITY 9: My Perception!

        Select ten positive adjectives below that describe you. Drag them into the "You" category. Can’t find the right words? Type your own in the box below the category.


        • faithful
        • lonely
        • lonely
        • outgoing
        • sneaky
        • well-liked
        • courteous
        • healthy
        • happy
        • athletic
        • foolish
        • responsible
        • independent
        • unpopular
        • tobacco user
        • loner
        • tobacco and nicotine free
        • responsible
        • smelly
        • neat
        • respectful
        • unhealthy
        • funy
        • attractive
        • talkative
        • outgoing
        • kind
        • dependable
        • smart
        • addicted
        • friendly
        X CLOSE

        ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go

        ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go

        Now, check out the situations on the next few pages. How would you respond to each one? First, think about your options and the possible consequences (short- and long-term) for each scenario. Then decide if you would want to say "no" to what is being proposed. (Be honest!) What might make it difficult for you to say "no"? Decide how you would respond and explain why. Remember: It's YOUR decision. YOU have to live with the consequences.

        ACTIVITY 3: Tobacco & Nicotine Addiction

        ACTIVITY 3: Tobacco & Nicotine Addiction

        TRUE OR FALSE?

        1. Nicotine is a drug.


        Incorrect. The statement above is true.

        X CLOSE

        ACTIVITY 8: Decisions, Decisions!

        ACTIVITY 8: Decisions, Decisions!

        You and four friends are at the park. You’re sitting in the middle. One of your friends pulls out a pouch of smokeless tobacco, puts some in his mouth, and then passes the pouch along. In turn, each of your other friends takes some tobacco. You don’t want any. How do you handle this?

        Decision-Making Steps




