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ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress

ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress

If you're tobacco and nicotine free, there are some stresses you don't have to worry about:

1) health issues related to nicotine use

2) hiding tobacco and nicotine products from your parents

3) getting or accessing nicotine products

Nicotine free is the way to be!

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

ACTIVITY 2: It’s Your Health

Understanding nicotine

Review your responses with your teacher. Then, on the next few pages, read selected excerpts from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to better understand nicotine's addictive nature and how it affects the body19. See if you can answer the follow-up True/False questions.


National Institute on Drug Abuse. Drugs, Brains, and Behavior: The Science of Addiction. Referenced 2023.

ACTIVITY 7: Facing Tough Situations

ACTIVITY 7: Facing Tough Situations

Which of the techniques on previous pages might work for you? Why?

ACTIVITY 3: Tobacco & Nicotine Addiction

ACTIVITY 3: Tobacco & Nicotine Addiction

Nicotine withdrawal symptoms include irritability, craving, depression, anxiety, cognitive and attention deficits, sleep disturbances, and increased appetite.27


National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Research Report Series—Tobacco/Nicotine. NIH Publication Number 16-4342. Referenced 2017.

ACTIVITY 9: Conflict – Learning to Deal with It

ACTIVITY 9: Conflict – Learning to Deal with It


Scenario 5

A friend has promised to quit vaping, has tried on a number of occasions, but keeps going back. You notice now that she no longer mentions trying to quit and in fact seems to be vaping more than ever. You are very concerned, and you decide to confront her.

What do you do?

How do you feel afterward?

Based on your feelings, the next time you are in a situation similar to this one, you are likely to: