Activities: activity-6
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
If you're tobacco and nicotine free, there are some stresses you don't have to worry about:
1) health issues related to nicotine use
2) hiding tobacco and nicotine products from your parents
3) getting or accessing nicotine products
Nicotine free is the way to be!
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
When you're doing something you find stressful, take an occasional break. Play with a pet, listen to some music, draw a picture, or read a book. These are good temporary "release valves" that allow you to return to the task a little refreshed.
Now, break it down into steps and type them in order below.
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
When you are stressed out over a big job, break it down into little jobs. Instead of saying, "I have to write a ten-page history paper by next week! I can't do that!" say, "Today and tomorrow I will do my research. The next day I will write an outline. The day after that I will write the first five pages of the first draft, and the day after that I will write the second five. The day after that I will write my second draft. So, the only thing I need to concern myself with at this moment is beginning my research. I can do that."
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
When you're doing something you find stressful, take an occasional break. Play with a pet, listen to some music, draw a picture, or read a book. These are good temporary "release valves" that allow you to return to the task a little refreshed.
Below, jot down how you like to take a break when you feel stressed.
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
Discuss sources of stress in your life with a parent, trusted grown-up, or a friend. They might be able to give you tips on how to manage specific stiuations. In addition, just knowing they care about you (and can relate to your struggles) makes you feel less stressed because it makes you feel less alone.
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
Take care of your body by getting enough sleep, exercising, and eating properly. Feelings of stress can be caused or heightened by sleep deprivation or poor diet. Exercise (running, basketball, swimming, etc.) is an excellent way to burn off feelings of tension. We store stress in our bodies, so taking good care of them reduces stress.
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
Every day or so, make a list of the things you realistically want or need to accomplish for that day. Prioritize the list and allow yourself the time to accomplish each task. Planning reduces stress by giving you a sense of control.
Practice below by creating a list for today or tomorrow.
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
Here and on the next few pages are some steps that might help you cope with stress.
Take a look at the list you made on the previous page. Use this as a starting point to compile a list of things that cause you stress. Decide which ones you can avoid and how to avoid them. This reduces the amount of stress in your life.
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
Drag and drop the sources of stress into the categories. Then, type your own "sources of stress" in the boxes below the appropriate categories if you can identify other stress sources.
- Difficult schoolwork
- Societal problems (crime, unemployment, war, etc)
- Being respectful
- Family crises (divorce, death, etc)
- Dating
- Pressure to do things I don’t want to do
- School bullies
- Relationships with siblings
- Family responsibilities and chores
- Being involved in too many activities
- Arguments or disagreements with friends
- My feelings about how I look
- My feelings about how I look
Now, take a moment to reflect on your response. Then, move on to next page.
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
ACTIVITY 6: Dealing with Stress
On the next page, you'll see a list of sources of stress and categories the might fit into:
- This bothers me a lot.
- This bothers me some.
- This doesn't bother me ever or at all.
This is designed to give you a sense of where stress comes from in your life and how you deal with it.
These are examples—some may bother you and some may not.