Activities: activity-5
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
A group of friends agrees to tell their parents that they will be sleeping over at one friend's house. What they don't tell their parents is that there won't be any adults there—the friend's parents are out of town. If asked, they will lie about it. You are invited to join them.
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
You're with a friend at a store, and you notice that he slips some sunglasses into his backpack. He asks you to stand in front of him while he "loads up."
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
You join a group of your friends for an all-day trip to an amusement park. As the day goes on, two of your friends start vaping and using smokeless tobacco. They ask you to join them, and you say "no". But they continue to ask, and each time it is with increasing insistence.
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
Your best friend has called you in a panic. He needs your help studying for tomorrow's biology test. You've had a rough few days and really want to be home alone and chill out for the night.
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
Now, check out the situations on the next few pages. How would you respond to each one? First, think about your options and the possible consequences (short- and long-term) for each scenario. Then decide if you would want to say "no" to what is being proposed. (Be honest!) What might make it difficult for you to say "no"? Decide how you would respond and explain why. Remember: It's YOUR decision. YOU have to live with the consequences.
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
ACTIVITY 5: When Saying “No” Is the Way to Go
Take a look at the tips on this poster. Click to enlarge it.
ACTIVITY 5: What’s Important to Me!
ACTIVITY 5: What’s Important to Me!
ACTIVITY 5: What’s Important to Me!
ACTIVITY 5: What’s Important to Me!
Tyrell is walking home from school with a group of friends. In the past few weeks, some of them have started using smokeless tobacco on the way home. This goes on for several days, after which most of Tyrell’s friends have picked up the behavior. One day, Tyrell reaches into his pocket, pulls out a pouch of smokeless tobacco, and starts dipping.
Could this be you? Look back at the list of what’s important to you on the previous page. How would using tobacco and nicotine go against what’s important to you?
How could Tyrell (or you) deal with peer influence when it comes to using tobacco and nicotine?
ACTIVITY 5: What’s Important to Me!
ACTIVITY 5: What’s Important to Me!
- Being a member of the “in group” at school
- Having money to spend
- Saying “no” to my friends when they do something i don’t want to do
- Maintaining good eating and hygiene habits
- Being respected
- Getting good grades
- Being liked by my teachers
- Being willing to experiment and take risks
- Being respectful
- Deciding what i want to do when i become an adult
- Standing up for yourself
- Having good friends
- Having the latest styles in clothing, jewelry, etc
- Having more freedom to come and go as i please
- Having more responsibility at home
- Being successful athlete
- Doing what is right
- Having interests outside of school
- Having a nice appearance
- Being considered funny by my friends
- Fitting in
- Being very popular
Now, take a moment to reflect on your response. Then, move on to next page.