activity 6


You've been reading about how friends can influence our decisions and the way we think. Sometimes this can be a good thing, but sometimes it causes us to make the wrong choices.

activity 6

Look at what Jody's friends are saying to her, then go to Page 2.

Jody and friends
activity 6

Look at the questions in the bubbles. Then, type in your responses. Afterwards, continue to Page 3.

What do you think Jody should do? Why?

Do you think her friends will really tell her that she can't hang out with them if she does not smoke?

How can she tell her friends that she does not want to smoke?

If they do tell her that they don't want her around, what does that say about their friendship?

activity 6

Read what the boy is thinking, then go to Page 4.

Boy thinking
activity 6

Look at the questions in the bubbles. Then, type in your responses. Afterwards, continue to Page 5.

Do you think Tom, the smoker, will like the boy in the picture if he smokes? Why or why not?


What advice would you give the boy about not smoking and about saying "no" to peer influence?

activity 6

Examine the two illustrations. Then, think about the differences. Click on each image to view an enlarged version.


Illustration 1


Illustration 2

Which illustration is an example of peer pressure?
Which is an example of peer influence?
activity 6